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We Are Chosen Ministries

Support Our Mission

At We Are Chosen Ministries, it is our mission to have a 4D effect on all those we encounter. The 4D’s stand for Discover, Deliver, Disciple, and Deploy. It is our God-given purpose to help all people discover Christ and accept him as their personal Lord and Savior. It is a part of our assignment to help those walkout total freedom and deliverance that Jesus died on the cross for. By the Spirit of God, we teach and disciple people according to the Bible. Thus, cultivating spiritual growth. This development will then deploy individuals into their God-given purpose impacting the world for Jesus.

We Are Chosen Ministries


We Are Chosen Ministries #WACM

The Creation And

Story Behind Our Church

We Are Chosen Ministries is a church that was completely birthed during the pandemic of COVID-19. As being in quarantine like the rest of the world, one day the Lord instructed Pastor Marcita to host a family Bible study between her and two of her children. As she was obedient to do so that Bible study grew into a congregation of people. As churches were shutting down, God was raising up this ministry in an extremely unique and unconventional way!

This ministry was built based on the technology of internet and video calls. As the Lord instructed this Bible study to grow it did. It grew into a full blown church and it still continues to thrive. God created this ministry to minister to a world that is hurt, broken, and in bondage even through a worldwide crisis. This ministry has touched many lives and is going to touch so much more! We are glad you have come to visit We Are Chosen Ministries! Let's WACM (We Are Chosen Ministries) together! 

Who is Our Church For?

We are a spirit filled non-denominational church that believes in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We welcome people from all walks of life to help them encounter the true love and freedom of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”

— 1 Peter 2:9 NKJV